

It is our prayer that you sense God’s presence in our weekly Celebration of Worship. We seek to meet your human needs while allowing God to meet your spiritual needs. In this atmosphere of hospitality, healing and hope, we trust you will experience the love of God and form a dynamic and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. 


Service Times 

 8:00 AM: Worship Service 

9:00 AM: Sunday School for all ages. 

10:00 AM: Worship Service with the Chancel Choir & Children's Church 



Order of Worship 

Prelude and Announcements 


Apostles Creed 

Choir Anthem (10:00 AM) 

Celebration of Being Stewards of God 


Patriotic Doxology 

Children’s Moments (10:00 AM) 


Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer 

Scripture Lesson 



Congregational Benediction 

          Musical Benediction        


*The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday. 

*Nursery care is provided for children up to six years of age. A cry room is also available at the rear of the sanctuary. 

*Children's Church meets in the Fellowship Building after the children are dismissed from 10:00 AM "Children's Moments".